SAVE $100 Off If You Signup Before The Timer Runs Out . .



The exact strategy we used to manage over 5 million in hiring ads on indeed to generate higher quality applicants at the lowest cost.

When you started your business you probably didn’t realize how hard it would be to find quality workers until you FIGURED IT OUT FOR YOURSELF.

The truth is, getting quality workers starts way before most people think.

It starts at the ad, because without enough of the right people . .

You're always going to feel like you have to choose someone to hire from the few that showed up.

It's the first step you need in place to put an end to constant under performers.

You have to learn to be more selective in the hiring - but first you need more traffic first.

You Know What I Mean?


Right now your hiring budget is getting blown

Probably turning down new customers right now cause your currently under staffed?

Borderline scared of losing customers right now - because some of the workers you have are either calling out, overworked, or underperforming?

So you tried another platform or tried throwing more money at the job post and your still stuck.

Wondering how to get motivated workers?

Without breaking the bank!

Here's a secret to hiring:


(Just like your marketing.)

When you get your marketing dialed in, what happens?

You get enough quality leads - and you get more customers right?

Same with hiring but you can be way more selective.

And just to be clear, we are talking about selecting your dream workers.

But most people have a half ass strategy and throw money at it.

That's a great start, but you once you figure out its costing a shit ton of money and problems you got to step up strategy.

Some companies who don't get this right can end up replacing their entire team around 1-4 times a year. Turnover rates around 33-400% based on an indeed report.

Your job post should help repel the wrong people and your strategy should help you get traffic cheap, filter out the best, be selective at the interview, onboard fast, and train well and fire within 2 weeks if they don't perform well.

Image an extra 100 applications for around $2 per vs $25 per? Wouldn't that help you be more selective on who you choose to hire?

Introducing OUR . .

If you want to stretch your indeed budget …

If you want to attract the right people and repel the wrong ones …

If you want more interviews on your calendar…

It all STARTS with Indeed Secrets Masterclass!

It’s not just about having a job ad posted.

It’s about getting your job post in front of the RIGHT people MORE often.

Indeed Secrets will help you keep your ad at the top and bring you in the cheapest applicants with people who’re ready to apply.


Wait a minute, so who's this girl sharing her insights without any strings attached?

Oh Hey! I'm Krystal

I'm the CEO of Clarity Complete Cleaning, and the mastermind behind the Hiring on Demand System. Let me level with you – I've been through the grind, just like you.

You know, I've witnessed hardworking entrepreneurs put their all into their businesses. They work tirelessly, making money but often missing the joy. Their businesses? A bit of a mess—no systems, no processes, and often struggling with leadership and team motivation.

I've always wanted more for them, and that's what drives me. When I create my products and services, I've got them in mind. My mission? To help folks like you break free from the daily grind and build businesses you're passionate about.

Armed with insights and data from managing over $5 million in hiring ads, I'm here to empower clients like you to create systems and processes with the right people, making your operations smooth as butter.

Thanks to Indeed Ads, I've successfully helped secure over 1 million new hires through our refined recruiting services and nifty software automation.

My clients now attract and hire top-notch talent, expanding their client base and scaling their operations.

And right now, my students are achieving incredible results, like snagging job applications for as little as $1.25 each or clicks for just $0.13. 😄


You're going to love this


We're not about to let you post a half-baked job ad with low pay and zero benefits. That would be a recipe for high turnover, and we're not having it. We've got some tricks up our sleeve to get it ready for instant success!


Once you're all set to shine brighter than your competition for that role in your area, we'll dive into launching your job ads. We'll add some fresh clarity, proven keywords, target cities, and update your Indeed settings for maximum impact.


Here's the scoop: about 1,000 new jobs pop up every hour in your area, all vying for applicants' attention. We'll need to keep a close eye on your ad, optimizing it at least once a week to keep it riding high in search results and keep those costs down low. 😉

Snag Your Exclusive Replay Access
Get the entire strategy to turn your poor performing job post into a automated traffic machine, you can turn on or off on demand.

Indeed Secrets Masterclass will help take your roles and make them desirable to your ideal candidate & increase retention for better candidate alignment.

Indeed Secrets Masterclass will help you keep your job showing up in search results each week so your at top performance at the cheapest cost.

Indeed Secrets Masterclass will help you reduce your manual labor and automate the applicant directly to the interview.

With our proven, step-by-step traffic secrets to effortlessly attract applicants to apply over and over again at the cheapest possible cost.

Success Story

Rachel was so busy she wasn't able to keep up with all the interviews as a solo business owner - she upgraded to our DFY hiring and was amazed by the quality and simplicity it brought to her busy schedule!

Krystal has been a game-changer for me. I started with a DIY hiring approach, trying to handle it all myself. However, her 'done-for-you' solution covers everything, so I made the switch. Now, I can simply put the new workers to work when I receive that email which is amazingly simple! – Rachel, OCD Cleaning

It’s The Difference From Settling & Choosing Who Is The Best Fit

Let's Get You Started!

Success Story

Tony went from stressed out on how to get more people to apply to having a fully automated system bringing in new cleaners without stress.

Before working with Krystal, we struggled to get people to apply and find qualified candidates. Now, we have applicants every week, and it's taking the stress out of hiring. This system has helped us build a bigger team. – Tony, Instatidy

When you master Indeed, here’s what happens…

You get to see your job ad costs go down.

You get to see better candidate alignment with the role.

You get more applications + can be stricter on your qualifications.

You get more interviews with more qualified candidates.

You get more new hires that align better to the role!

The result?


Here's what you get when you join Indeed Secrets Masterclass:

A 90-minute live class unveiling our Indeed traffic secrets with personalized guidance.

Step-by-step workbooks and templates for optimizing your ads and setting hiring goals.

Proven job ad templates to craft high-converting posts.

Engage in a 30-minute live Q&A session with experts.

Enjoy lifetime access to class updates, secret Indeed settings, and troubleshooting playbooks.


The Breakdown


In this section, we're going to put together your personalized hiring strategy, and guess what? It's going to be a breeze! We'll be using checklists and workbooks to make the process stress-free and guide you every step of the way. From setting your hiring goals to writing a job post that stands out, I've got your back.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • How to set and track your hiring goals, taking the stress out of the process.

  • Strategies to make your job post stand out, ensuring job seekers choose your role.

  • Crafting a high-converting job post that practically hires for you.

  • Step-by-step guide to reaching out to Indeed and unlocking our secret settings.


In this section, we're going to put everything together to get your new job ad up and running with those fresh settings. Here's what we'll cover:

  • How to post your job ad effectively with the new settings, eliminating the guesswork.

  • Making savvy choices in selecting the right cities to boost your ad's performance.

    Trust me, this part can make a big difference. 😉


In this section, we’ll go over what stats to track on a weekly basis. We’ll use checklists and templates to help make your it less stressful. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What critical stats to track weekly, addressing the pain of uncertainty.

  • Establishing a regular tracking routine to keep your ads on point.

  • An inside look at our precise weekly tracking and optimization process.

  • How to monitor key application stats and stay ahead of issues with our troubleshooter playbooks.




These are perfect fuel for the next steps in your hiring process.

Bonus Training 1

Application Rules of Thumb

Intro to the best application strategies that will fill your candidate pool with quality applicants.

Bonus Training 2

Interview Rules of Thumb

Gain the skills to conduct interviews that lead to successful hires. Learn how to ask the right questions and make confident decisions.

Enroll Now And Scale Your Team With Indeed Secrets Masterclass >>


Many businesses struggle to find the right candidates because they lack a strategic approach. Don't let your hiring efforts end up in frustration.

That’s what happens when you don't have a good strategy. And that’s why this masterclass is so focussed on the strategy & traffic.

Yes, I give you everything you need with lifetime updates!

Success Story

Rhonda was having non stop issues with her ads getting flagged on indeed. She was so AMAZED to be able to get fully staffed with people who truly desired to work with her business over her competitors.

"I used to blame the government for my hiring struggles, thinking it was their fault during the pandemic why I couldn't hire. I definitely didn't think it was my process. But Krystal has some kind of magic, seriously! I received my first applicant within just one hour of getting set up. I never imagined I'd be flooded with applicants and experiencing such rapid growth. You've got to give Krystal Bella a try; what she has is truly amazing!" – Rhonda, Dynamic Maids



3 Payment's

$70 Per Month

  • A 2 hour masterclass replay unveiling exclusive Indeed traffic secrets and personalized guidance.

  • Step-by-step workbooks and templates for optimizing your ads and setting hiring goals.

  • Proven job ad templates to craft high-converting posts.

  • Engage in a 30-minute live Q&A session with experts.

  • Enjoy lifetime access to class updates, secret Indeed settings, and troubleshooting playbooks.

  • 30 day support via email & loom videos

  • BONUS 1: Application Rules Of Thumb

  • BONUS 2: Interview Rules Of Thumb

*all prices are in USD

Pay Upfront

$197 One Time

Save $15 More + Get An Extra Bonus

  • A 2 hour masterclass replay unveiling exclusive Indeed traffic secrets and personalized guidance.

  • Step-by-step workbooks and templates for optimizing your ads and setting hiring goals.

  • Proven job ad templates to craft high-converting posts.

  • Engage in a 30-minute live Q&A session with experts.

  • Enjoy lifetime access to class updates, secret Indeed settings, and troubleshooting playbooks.

  • 30 day support via email & loom videos

  • BONUS 1: Application Rules Of Thumb

  • BONUS 2: Interview Rules Of Thumb

  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: Our exact hiring goals + stat project management template (Asana, trello, clickup etc)

*all prices are in USD

SAVE $100 Off If You Signup Before The Timer Runs Out . .



Watch the class. Implement the education. Do the work. Have a min ad budget of $150 unless your in CA or NY then a min budget of $300. If you still do that and are still not satisfied write to me within 14 days including the proof of the worksheets and ad minimums and I'll either work with you one on one or give you a full refund.


Imagine having a hiring system that operates around the clock without ever complaining.

With Indeed Ads, you can achieve just that.

No more sifting through endless resumes with outdated approaches.

Tired of calling applicants on Indeed to schedule interviews?

It's time for a change. With Indeed Ads, your hiring process becomes a well-oiled machine that runs on autopilot, 24/7.

Build a digital presence that positions you as an expert in your field, so you’ll be approached for speaking gigs and interviews.

Let's make your hiring effortless.

Let's Go!

Hear From Past Student's


When you join Indeed Secrets Masterclass, you get instant access to:

  • 2 Hour Masterclass Replay

  • 30 Days Of Email Support

  • Detailed Walkthrough To Setting Up All Your Hiring Goals

  • How To Stand Out Stand Out Over Your Competition

  • How To Reduce Turnover By Expectations (3 Fold)

  • How To Access Our Secret Indeed Settings (Hint: They aren't public)

  • What Stats To Track In The Ad + Application Levels

  • How To Track Weekly + W/ Our Optimization Flow

  • Snag Our Hiring Ad Troubleshooter Playbook

  • Snag Our Application Stat Troubleshooter Playbook

  • Plus Lots Of Templates & Resources To Go With It!

  • Can't Forget The Lifetime Updates!

Join Now + Scale Your Team With Indeed Secrets >>

Still Got Questions?

Q: Who is this masterclass for?

A: This course is perfect for you if…

  • You want to hire workers (any industry + world wide)

  • Your not getting enough people to apply

  • If your ad budget is getting spent way to fast

  • If your cost per hire is high and you want to lower it

  • If you want less manual work chasing applicants to schedule an interview

  • You want to be more selective in the interview process to hire the best

This course is not quite for you if…

  • You refuse to use paid ads on indeed

  • You account got blocked from indeed

Q: I'm a recruiter or staffing agency will it help me too?

Yes! This will defiantly help you the tools we demo are the same simply tools we have used to manage over 5 million in hiring ads with recruiting solutions.

Q: Is it suitable for me if i don't have a business yet?

As long as you have your business license, or document with your company name on it, than you will be all set to get an indeed account and use this masterclass.

Q: What if i don't get results?

It depends on what you mean by results. Every ‘perceived’ fail is a HUGE learning opportunity. If you’re looking for a magic person who doesn't exist , you could be disappointed. Quality worker is what you will define as passing your min viable deal breakers that we have you set from the start. As you learn you may need to add more or adjust them. You want to train well and fire fast (within 2 weeks) and repeat until your team is full of A players. The great part is that you know how to get more workers in and replace them - its part of hiring.

Q: I've tried indeed in the past and it was a big fail for me. Will this work?

99% of people who come to us have the worst settings on their indeed account. Settings that are not public for you to even add on.

This is a huge factor in way your failing and its one of the first things we will have you fix.

But, you will have to spend money. Free ads wont cut it - you'll need around $100-$300 min budget while your actively hiring.

Q: What sort of budget do i need to have for indeed?

Bare min is $100-$300 while your actively hiring.

From there we can scale up or down depending on your hiring goals.

If your in california or new york you want to have a $300 starting budget in most cases.

Q: What if i get stuck, will you help me?

Yes we have 30 days of email support with loom abilities.

Q: Do i have to use any specific software?

Google docs is what we have most of our worksheets, guides or playbooks on for you and for software we are only teaching indeed.

This masterclass was really designed for the strategy to be used with any softwares your using. Even if you want to use facebook ads, craigslist, linked in etc. . . the strategies still apply.

For tech, we use asana for our project management tool. If you snagged the Pay In Full Bonus you get the CSV to import into any tool however our overview/flow will be based in asana that you would just adapt over to your tool of choice.

For application + hiring automation we use our own software which you can snag here.

When it comes to onboarding documents, we rely on PandaDoc. We explored other options like DocuSign, but found that PandaDoc offered the best user experience and the ability to embed testimonials, videos, and more. Plus, it turned out to be a more cost-effective choice compared to DocuSign.

Let's Do This!